Gravo dvd com arquivos do movie maker e filmes de wmv e com 50% a 60|% ele paralisa gravação e avisa erro. Já baixei duas ou três vezes o programa, de fontes diferentes e o erro persiste. Ao contactar o suporte deram caminho para solução, primeiramente, para ativar como administrador. Depois pediu para seguir passos e para baixar um arquivo, nos termos seguintes:
please try to start the application as Administrator (right click on the icon->left click on "Run as Administrator"). If this does not solve the problem, then download and install the following program:
Then, you should find under Start->All Programs->Ashampoo->Ashampoo CD & DVD Drive Access Control->Ashampoo CD & DVD Drive Access Control. After you started this program click on the tab Security and choose your current profile with that you are logged on in Windows. Click Add and give this user the rights so that your CD/DVD writer can work properly.
please try these instructions to solve your problem:
1. Click Start->Run
2. Enter "regedit" without ""
3. Search in this Editor for HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/System/CurrentControlSet/Control/Class/{4d36e965-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}
4. Highlight this Entry (left Editorpart) and click File->Export
5. Please use as filename savedkey (this is a backup file which can be reimported if needed)
6. Please click the REG_MULTI_SZ type of data "Upperfilters" (in the right part of the editor) and then Edit->Delete. Confirm with Yes
7. Please click REG_MULTI_SZ type of data "Lowerfilters" (in the right part of the editor) and then Edit->Delete. Confirm with Yes
8. Please close the Editor and then reboot.
If an entry of Upper- or Lowerfilters is missing, then just skip the step and continue with the next step.
Please also disable any virtual drives.
If this did not solve the Problem, then please send a new problem report.
Thanks for using Ashampoo products, we hope they fulfilled your needs.
Thomas Vesper
Kundendienst | Support
Mesmo assim agindo, o erro ainda persiste, na forma abaixo:
pErr->getType() mge_slv error pErr->getText() Error in mge_slv: peru::CException Type: text: m3d::dx9::CError(hResult=-2005530518, sMessage=\"CFactory::selectAdapter m_pD3D->GetDeviceCaps\") Errormessage:D3DERR_NOTAVAILABLE