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Boas a todos isto e a minha colecção e a de um amigo que vendo o preço esta a 120 euros mínimo mas entrego em mão na zona de Grândola (a qualquer dia) a colecção encontra-se quase nova e nova.Abaixo esta uma lista detalhada de todas as raras que esta colecção tem e as respectivas edições para verem com cuidado para alem dessas raras encontram-se também muitas incomuns e comuns que não refiro nomes mas se necessário posso dizer as mais relevantes dentro delas.Modo de pagamento e em mão se vieram buscar nas zona mencionada caso contrario será a cobrança(portes/caixa/envio) ou por transferência bancaria que logo darei o meu nib se necessário.Alguma duvida estarei regularmente no facebook(nome e andre alexandre de leiria/santarem-andrealex_sk@hotmail.com e o meu contacto e 914823139.(tenho também a frente de cada carta o preço respectivo em euros para terem uma noção do valor da colecção pois não disse mínimo de 120 euros ao calhas XD noutra lista no pc se necessário):

Lista de raras:

1x Honor of the pure-m10
1x Pentarch paladin-timespiral
1x Pithing needle-m10
1x Feral trwoback-legions
1x Greater good-9th
1x Voice of the woods-onslaught
1x Decree of savage-Scourge
1x Decree of silence-scourge
1x Trickskelion-mirrodin
1x Worldslayer-mirrodin
1x Defense grid-9th
1x Paralectric reaction-foil-guilpack
1x Acquire-fifth dawn
1x Cosmic larva-fifth dawn
1x Karona false god-scourge
1x loxodon hierarch-ravnica
2x sisters of death stone-ravnica
1x loxodon punisher-mirrodin
1x Glarecaster-onslaught
1x Auriok shapeshifter-mirrodin
1x Defender of the order-legions
1x Crucible of worlds-10th
2x tower of eons-mirrodin
1x Trade routes-9th
1x Necroplasma-ravnica
1x Moolight bargain-ravnica
1x Bloodlord of vasgoth-m12
1x Keeper of the nine gales-legions
1x Weaver of lier-legions
1x Twilight shepherd-Duel Decks: Divine vs Demonic
1X Sunblast Angel foil-scars of mirrodin
2x Oracle´s attendants-9th
1x Light of sanction-ravnica
2x Circle of Solace-onslaught
1x Story Cirlcle- 9th
1x Leonin Abunas- mirrodin
1x Ghosts of the Innocent- ravnica
1x bloodletter quill-ravnica
1x primordial sage- ravnica
1x force of nature foil- 9th
1x Beacon of immortality- 10th
1x Heroes remembered- planar chaos
1x Joraga warcaller-worldwake
1x Kor spiritdancer- worldwake
1x Wolfbriar elemental foil- worldwake
1x Masumaro first to live-saviors of kamigawa
1x pure intentions- saviors of kamigawa
1x reki the history of kamigawa foil- saviors of kamigawa
1x epic struggle- judgment
1x masako the humorless- Champions of kamigawa
1x tarmogoyf- future sight
1x Takeno samurai general- champions of kamigawa
1x isao enlightened bushi- betrayers of kamigawa
1x enshrined memories- betrayers of kamigawa
1x phyrexian colossus-8th
1x junkyo bell- champions of kamigawa
1x underground river- 10th
1x long forgotten gohei- champions of kamigawa
1x cloudstone curio-ravnica
1x spawnbroker- ravnica
1x lava hounds- 8th
1x stone idol trap- worldwake
1x sentry mogg- 8th
1x hidetsugo heartless- betrayers of kamigawa
1x Moratorium stone -guildpack
1x orrochi hatchery- champions of kamigawa
1x teferi puzzle box-8th
1x disrupting scepter-8th
1x hedron matrix- rise of eldrazy
1x vampiric spirit -8th
1x Rampaging baloths-worldwake
2x Inname death aspect-champions of kamigawa
1x Guul draz specter- worldwake
1x shriveling rot- darksteel
1x kalonian behemoth- 10th
1x zo-zu the punisher foil- champions kamigawa
1x teysa-guildpack
1x archbound reclaimer- darksteel
1x bringer of blue dawn- fifth dawn
1x leyline of lightning-guildpack
1x kyoki-betrayers of kamigawa
1x toshiro umezawa foil- betrayers of kamigawa
1x seize the soul-guildpack
1x ashes of the fallen
1x Lord of the undead-9th
1x Zombie master-vI
1x Akroma ,Angel of wrath -Dual Decks:devine vs demonic foil
1x Elvish piper-m10
1x Underworld dreams-m10
1x Avatar of woe-Premium Deck Series: Graveborn foil
1x Royal assasin-m11
1x Ascetismo- scars of mirrodin
1x Visara dreadfull -from the vault:legends foil
1x Gaea´s revenge-m11
1x Might of oaks-M10
1x Basilisk collar- worldwake
1x Reiver demon-mirrodin
1x Death pits of rath-9th
3X Cemetery reaper-2X M10/1X M12
1x Liliana vess-lorwyn
1x Captivating Vampire-M11
1x Nightmare-FOIL-M10
1x Mordant dragon-foil- worldwake
1x Djin of wishes-foil-M10
1x Rootbound crag-M10
1x Chain reaction- WORLDWAKE
1x Empyrial plate-Mirrodin
1x Privileged position-ravnica

Incomuns/comuns que achei relevnate mencionar:

3x dark ritual
4x Gravedigger
1x Lightning bolt
1x daru encampment
1x fireball
1x terror
1x Bone dancer-weaterlight
1x Black night
2x Llanawar elf
1x Vicious Hunger
3x Undead warcheif/1 deles em foi
3x Souless ones
2x deathmark
3x diabolic tutor
1x execute
2x go for the troat
1x Zombify
1x Swiftoot boots
1x senseis divining top
1x heedless one
1x righteousness

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